Ms Eunice Araba
Turkson, an Educational Consultant in the United States has underscored the importance
of parental involvement to the success of Inclusive Education
She said it is legal to have all students educated
irrespective of their disability and economic background and parents are the
first point of call if Ghana is to successfully implement her inclusive
education policy
Ms Turkson told the Special Mothers Project that in educating
children with special needs, there is no one size fits all approach, parents
and the school system work collaboratively to achieve a common goal.
She said, "there are different categories of disabilities
with each one having their unique characteristics. Usually, the school depends
on the parents for pertinent information and effective management of a child
with special needs."
Listing the different disabilities, Ms Turkson said, they
are classified into 13 categories, namely: Specific Learning Disabilities which
includes dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, auditory processing disability and
nonverbal learning disability.
There is what is referred to as Other Health impairment, a
condition that limits a child’s strength, energy or alertness, such as
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD),
Other disability categories include the Autism Spectrum
Disorder which mainly affects a child’s social and communication skills,
Emotional Disturbances which may include anxiety and depression, Speech or
language impairment, visual impairment which includes blindness, hearing
impairment, Deaf-blindness
The rest are Orthopaedic impairment like cerebral palsy,
intellectual disability, traumatic brain injury and multiple disabilities
Ms Turkson pointed out that educational systems should not
lump children with disabilities together as one, the more reason, there is the
need to involve parents when taking decisions on the education of their
“In the United States, educators sometimes take documents to
parents for their review and or signature should they miss meetings, to the
extent that we may find means of transportation for parents to join the meeting
when the excuse for not attending is transportation and sometimes meetings are
called off or rescheduled if parents cannot be there,” She said
The Special Mothers Project is an advocacy and awareness creation programme on cerebral palsy issues and issues affecting families raising children with special needs
The Special Mothers Project is an advocacy and awareness creation programme on cerebral palsy issues and issues affecting families raising children with special needs